Nalanda Wellness

Past life Regression Therapy Session

Past life regression session experience

Past life regression session experience

Renee's Travel journey Into Past Life

Today I am going to share a past life regression session experience by Renee from New Jersey, USA. During our first interaction over a WhatsApp call Renee told me that she wants to discover herself. She mention to me that she has a pattern in her relationships which is persistent since her childhood. She told me further that when she meets new people she is surprise at the fact that even though they don't know her they start to hate her or be jealous of her. Many of them try to demean her or belittle her also. And this is not only with people whom she meets for the first time. Even people whom she knows for a long time treat her badly. For example, her cousins don't like her. Once she even found a chit written by one of her cousins where she wrote rubbish about Renee to another cousin. She did not deserve this, she emphasized. Renee continued, in school the same things happened... Some of her friends stop talking to her and others maintained a distance from her. She wanted to know what was causing all these?

Initially she had contacted a tarot card reader to find the answers to these questions. The Tarot Card Reader gave my reference to her so that she could explore her past life in great detail and find some solutions to this recurring problem.
During the past life regression session we looked at some of the current life events and release some emotional charge from recent events so that it is easy to go deeper into past file memories.
In her first past life regression session she saw that she was living in a small town in Netherlands. It was a big house and she was playing with children. Most of them were elder to her and their kind of ignoring her. When she recalled all this there was a sensation in her Heart Chakra. 
It was a painful sensation. It represented a block she had developed, which was manifesting in all her relationships.
After a couple of minutes of therapy she started to release that pain and slowly and steadily she started to feel good and after about 30 minutes that feeling disappeared completely.
In yet another PLR session she recalled an incident from the same lifetime. In that episode, she saw that her teacher was very rude to her and she made her feel that she was dumb.
It was then that she had created a concept about herself. It was a limiting belief that she was dumb. Obviously is was not true. But an authority figure was saying something to a child, she had started believing it. 
I told her that now is the time to let go of that believe so that it does not impact her in the present lifetime. Remaining part of the sessions we worked on releasing that pattern. 
She was working as a software engineer in IT company. However, due to these negative thoughts, feelings and beliefs she was not experienceing the kind of growth that her colleagues and friends were experienceing.
Usually I take a gap of 3-5 days between sessions. So when she came online for the next session she shared with me what difference she felt. She said after releasing this negative believe she felt much better at work. She could see herself in a new light and people at work started respondoing positively. 

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Simple Technique

Here's what happened when she was hypnotized

I took her in a deeply relaxed state of mind and on that day during our past life therapy she discovered something new. 
In one of her lifetime she had a friend who knew everything about her. She felt that she was her best friend. 
But one day she found that she was talking bad about her behind her back. She was negative about her in her absence. 
When Renee found out this, she stoped talking to her friend. She felt betrayed. Unconsciously she formed a belief that she can never have friends or she will never have a best friend.
This belief was formed in one of one of her previous lifetimes and it was impacting her even in this lifetime. She could see the impact it had in her life. She didn’t have a best friend or even friends to talk to. 
Rest of the session we worked on this belief. Once and for all, we dismantle the belief system and she was free from this negative believe. She felt light. 
She could imagine having good friends in the future. She was confident that this would certainly happen because she had developed a faith in past life therapy and in me. 
During my PLR tyerapy session clients can feel the blocks they have and once the blocks have been removed, they can feel the difference as well. 
With sparkles in her eyes Renee said ‘thank you’. She admitted that these past life regression therapy sessions were extremely valuable for her. Amazed she was, that even one session can free one so much internally.
When you experience your past lifes, what happens is, you actually identify the events where you created your negative beliefs. Then it is easy to destroy them and it is not an intellectual process alone. It is also an emotional process.  That’s why you need a skilled therapist who can really identify your blocks and help you release them. I don’t claim to be the best PLR Therapist because I am learning something new everyday.
Anyways, a month had passed. I was doing a past life regression session once a week with Renee. By the end of the fourth week she was feeling much different. 
She connected with her college friends. She had stop talking to them because she feel that they were lying to her and never wanted anything good for her. 
She confessed that before starting her PLRT sessions, she could not even imagine speaking to them again. It was a miracle. Best of all, she had a good time with them.
Her fifth past life session was mind blowing. In this session she went into one of her lifetimes when she was with her mother. 
When I asked her age. She replied that she was just about one year old and she wanted to have her mother’s attention. Her mother was busy in her day to day activities. So her mother was ignoring her and because of that she felt unloved and rejected. That was yet another repeitative pattern.
She feel that she did not deserve her attention and that something else was more important than her. Because of this event she developed an idea that she was unworthy of her attention. 
These feelings were at the core of the issue that she was experiencing in life. 
As she went through that lifetime she realized that the reality was different than she had imagined and felt. Her mother was really busy in her work because she had to earn to provide for the family. 
They were in financial distress and she had to work to make ends meet. As a child she couldn’t understand all this at that time. 
However, a negative belief was formed. Due to her point of view, she could see only what her belief made her see.
Her believe was that she is not a deserving person. She does not deserve love. She does not deserve attention. This pattern continued for many lifetimes and it was evident in this life also. 
Then we worked for quite some time to dismantle this belief and once it was destroyed a lot of things changed in her life.
In the weeks ahead she could feel that the way people responded to her was different. Renee was no longer feeling that she was a undeserving and unloved person. Bingo!
When she had a new view of herself from the inside, people reacted to her in a different way in the outside.
We are essentially an infinite being with infinite possibilities. Sometimes however, we label ourselves in a certain way and then you look at life from those coloured glasses.

How Past Life Regression works?

Past life  regression sessions helps you to remove those colour glasses and see life as it is. The coloured glasses are different for different people but non the less, whenever they are removed people have a very refreshing experience of life.
For me it was very exciting to progress and gain victory in this case and help Renee in living a more joyful and fullfilled life.
Renee did not imagine that a couple of past life regression sessions could give such amazing results just in a few weeks!
Hope you enjoyed reading this past life regression success story. 
These past life regression session conducted are not tipical. Every case is unique. Every person is an individual. 
If you to discuss your case, we can have a WhatsApp call and then we can do past life regression online using zoom. Renee’s sessions were on zoom. 
I do a limited number of sessions per week so if you are unable to get a booking you can join the upcoming past life regression course. 
In the past life course we do a number of sessions. So you will explore many different aspects of your past life.

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