Past life regression for auto immune diseases

It was a Sunday in the last week of May 2022. I got a call from a Mrs Malik. She said that she has been reading my articles and following Nalanda Wellness on Instagram. She has called to inquire about past life regression. I asked if she wanted to do PastLife Regression out of curiosity or She had another purpose. She said that she has been suffering from an autoimmune disease and she wanted to know if past life regression therapy can help in finding the cause of the problem. I told her that we could definitely explore and check out if this particular problem has a cause in one of the past lives. We scheduled the date for the PLR session. I started by asking her about the condition and when it started, etc.
She told me that it started long back when she was in school and about 12 years old. Since then she had this problem and doctors could not pin point the cause of this problem. She has beenon meditation since childhood and also suffering due to the side effects.
She had read some past life regression stories and she read and learnt that many problems are caused by past life traumatic events. She wanted to know more about it and explore her own past.
She was very clear that the root cause of this problem is not in her current life.
She wanted to know what happened in the past that caused this problem in this lifetime. She wondered if there is a way in which this can be corrected or healed.
She was an elderly lady. She was born and brought up in Mumbai and she was working as an international sales manager for a clothing company.
I asked if she has tried anything similar or any other therapy of this kind. She said ‘Yes, but it did not work’.
Before starting the PLR session, I did a quick test on her ability to relax and visualise. I concluded that it was possible for her to access the subconscious mind and explore past life memories.
I assured her that I will try by best to take her back in time and access information that can help her right now. She looked optimistic and hopeful.
When we begsn her past life regression session she quickly relaxed into a deep and peacefully state of mind.
After going through some events of this lifetime, particularly the time period when she started to have the symptoms of this auto immune disease. We then went ahead into one of the past lives where I hoped the cause of her condition existed.
I guided her to the beginning of that past life. She found herself in a small town near Rome. I asked her what was her age and she replied ‘3 years old’.
She was playing outside. Her mom came and took her to the market for buying some things. She was from a very rich family.
She felt at home in that city. The market place, the streets, the houses and the clothes people were wearing looked so familiar.
She could realize why she was attached to certain parts of Europe. It was real for her. She was always attracted to Europe and almost every year she traveled there. It was very evident to her. She had lived there before!
We moved forward in the same lifetime. Again, she saw herself as a 12 year old girl. She was wearing white clothes and she was riding a horse in the countryside.
After these pleasant memories of the past life, she saw the cause of the problem when she was 25 years in the same lifetime.
She saw herself trapped in a chamber. Was it a gas chamber, I asked. She was not sure but it was dark and scary inside.
She was full of fear and she was trembling. She had spent many days there and it was terrible.
The terrible experience she had there had made a mark on her consciousness. She could feel that trauma in our body.
I helped her release all that pain and then her breathing started to get even after 15 – 20 minutesof therapy. Finally she released the trauma and she started to feel better. Such clients usually feel better and better after such a discovery.
She could feel that this event was the cause of her current painful situation.
Although she did not fully believe in reincarnation because since childhood she was told that such things don’t exist.
Now she could feel that she had lived in the past and in made perfect sense because she could feel deep connection with whatever she saw during the session.
The city in which she lived felt very familiar and she had a deep liking for all the things she saw in the city.
As we progressed in the session she saw that because of that experience in the chamber she’d develop some health issues. She lived for 70 years with these health issues.
She saw that at the age of 70 it was time to leave the body. She was surrounded by almost 10 people from her family which included her son.
In this lifetime her elder son was the same person as her past life son. He was an ally for her.
She could see that after she left her body her family was very sad and depressed.
She also had a glimpse of what happened after she left her body. She saw that 2 spiritual guides came in and escorted her into the light.
experience during the past life regression and therapy session.
After that I brought her to external consciousness and I told her to open her eyes. She was full of tears because what she could experience during the past life regression and therapy session. It was totally unexpected for her.
She revealed to me that once she had approached a past life regression therapist earlier as well. He was of the opinion that she could not be hypnotised. She was a little disappointed but she wanted to try again. She purposely withheld this information and waited to see if I say the same or she will discover something.
She took a chance and this time it worked. She was happy with the kind of information she had received during the session and wanted to explore more in future sessions.
She said that all my life I had this question that why this is happening to me and today I found the answer to this question and it gives me a lot of peace and calmness.
As a therapist I felt good. It gives me deep satisfaction to hear such comments from clients.
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