Nalanda Wellness

Reiki Masters Course

Reiki Masters Courses 3A and 3B

At Nalanda Wellness, we welcome you to the Reiki Masters courses. The Reiki Masters course is divided into 2 parts, Reiki Level 3A (Shinpiden) and Reiki Level 3B (Shihan).  Let me explain both.

If you have completed Reiki level 2 and you are on the path to become a powerful Reiki healer then Reiki level 3A is for you. In this level you can not attune or teach others but you can deepen your spiritual growth, learn soul level and karmic  healing. Click here for the details of Reiki Level 3A

Now let me explain about Reiki Level 3B (Shihan). This is also known as Reiki Master Teacher Level because you can now attune and teach others. 

Here will undertake an inspiring journey and you will become a Reiki Master Teacher. This course is meant for those who already have completed Reiki Level 3A and are ready to advance their capability by learning the art of teaching Reiki to others.

We conduct Reiki Master courses every month on the last weekend. Hundreds of students have completed Reiki Master teacher training online as well as offline from Nalanda Wellness. These teachers trained by Sachin Bangera are now spreading Reiki in different cities of the world.

Every 2 months we have a Reiki Master Teacher Training Retreat in Mumbai, where students from all over the world participate.

The mission of Nalanda Wellness is to spread Reiki worldwide. We need more Reiki masters to spread Reiki in India and globally. You can become a Certified Reiki Master Teacher if you want to…

  • Contribute to the word
  • Make a difference in people’s life
  • Transform this world, one person at a time

If you said ‘Yes’ to any of these points then you can join me in the mission to spread Reiki as a pure, ethical, proficient, professional, powerful and certified Reiki Master teacher.

Reiki 7 Chakra Healing at Center

A short description of this quality. Make these lines enticing enough to prove that you are the best in all you do.

Relationship Healing

A short description of this quality. Make these lines enticing enough to prove that you are the best in all you do.

Reiki Distance Healing

A short description of this quality. Make these lines enticing enough to prove that you are the best in all you do.

Past Life Regression Session

A short description of this quality. Make these lines enticing enough to prove that you are the best in all you do.

Aura Cleansing

A short description of this quality. Make these lines enticing enough to prove that you are the best in all you do.

Crystal Healing Session

A short description of this quality. Make these lines enticing enough to prove that you are the best in all you do.

Requirements for Reiki Master level 3B?

Let’s look at the requirements for Reiki master teacher course. I have trained many students as a Reiki Master teacher in India, US, Australia & UK. From my experience I can say that the best Reiki masters are those who are practised Reiki diligently as a Reiki practitioner.

Most of my students who became teachers were excellent Reiki practitioners and so they became very good Reiki teachers. They had good experience in healing self and others. They had success stories to share.

Those who learn Reiki from me know that I love daily practice of Reiki. Due to daily Reiki practice students benefit a lot. When you practice on self and others then you have many success stories to share. Sharing success stories is impactful when you conduct Reiki training for others as a Reiki Master Teacher.

The candidate who wants to become a Reiki Master teacher should have success stories in Reiki self healing as well as healing others in person as well as good success in doing Reiki distance healing.

The idea behind this is that if someone is a good Reiki practitioner, then he or she teach others how to become a good Reiki practitioners.

When someone wants to become a Reiki master, I train them and do my best to make them a powerful Reiki master teacher.

We at Nalanda Reiki Center follow the Usui system of natural healing in its purest form. We will train you to be a pure Usui Reiki master teacher.

Reiki Master Teachers Course Outline

  • Module 1: Practice advanced healing techniques under guidance.
  • Module 2: Discover best practices for teaching Reiki courses, including demonstration skills and practice.
  • Activity: Role-play exercises to develop your teaching abilities.
  • Module 3: Master the skill of giving attunements for all 3 practitioner levels of Reiki.
  • Activity: Practice giving attunements with supervision.
  • Module 4: Developing Your Reiki Practice and maintaining client relationships.
  • Module 5: Cover ethical guidelines for teaching and practicing Reiki professionally.

Qualities of a Reiki Master Teacher

  • Good understanding of Reiki
  • Love and compassion for people
  • Empathy and understanding for people
  • Reiki teacher should have time for students
  • The Reiki Master should be available to answer question from students even after the course is completed
  • He or She should be a living example or role model for Reiki Practitioners
  • Has prosperity and abundance in life 
  • If you have these qualities, then you can go ahead with Reiki master teacher course with me.

Process of becoming a Reiki Master?

Certified Reiki Master Teacher Course
Reiki Master Teacher Certification by Sachin Bangera

There is 1 full day or 2 half days of practical training followed by hand holding as required. The time taken for practical training may vary from person to person. Hand holding means I will be there when you teach your first few students.

Every person has some strengths and weaknesses. We work with every teacher  to help them build their strengths and overcome their weaknesses and become a strong Reiki master.

Lets begin the journey. Together we will do what it takes you to get certified as a Reiki master teacher. It will be worth it, as it will make you strong and more powerful Reiki master. There are many practical aspects and we will go through everything step by step. 

Some more learnings for Reiki Masters?


  • How to manage your time and schedule events. 
  • How to guide students step by step
  • How to do Reiki attunements for each level
  • Topics to be covered in each level
  • How to organize for materials for the event
  • My style is hands on training. I like to hand hold the Reiki Master in the first few courses, especially during the attunement ceremony
  • Nobody can read a book and become a Reiki master. You need personal training and coaching. You need guidance even after the course is complete. 
  • We also need to acknowledge that every one’s requirements and need for support may be different.
Reiki for positive outcomes

Perks of Being a Reiki Master Teacher

  •  You Dive deeper into your own spiritual evolution through master level techniques.
  • Inspire others to become Reiki energy healers themselves.
  • Become a certified Reiki Master Teacher with extended career prospects.
  • Be part of a community of like minded people committed to sharing the gift of Reiki.
Upcoming Dates whatsapp us on 9820850475
  • All students who have completed Reiki third degree course (3A) and have had sufficient experience in healing others can become a certified Reiki master teacher.
  • Lets have a one to one discussion to help you understand how becoming a Reiki master teacher could be aligned to your life purpose. Your lifestyle supports your decision to become a Reiki master teacher. 
  • You can feel free to WhatsApp or Call Reiki Grand Master Sachin Bangera on 9820850475.

Sachin Bangera : Reiki Grand Master

Reiki Grand Master Sachin Bangera

About Facilitator

Sachin is a Reiki Grand Master based in Mumbai.  He is the Author of Benefits of Reiki Healing which is published on Amaazon. 

He conducts Reiki courses in Mumbai, Thane & Navi Mumbai. His mission is to spread Reiki to 1 million people each year through his blog, workshops and team of Reiki Teachers.

He holds a Masters degree in Educational and Counseling Psychology. He is a certified Master Coach and Past Life Regression Therapist. He is committed to spreading Reiki and create health, wealth and happiness for everyone he comes in contact with.

Follow us on Instagram @nalandawellness and @coachsachinbangera

To join any of the Reiki courses Call or WhatsApp us on 9820850475 

Register for the Reiki first degree course now!

  • Energy exchange is Rs 3000 or $ 60 by Paypal.
  • Indian students can register here – Reiki Level 1 Course
  • International students can register here – Reiki Level 1 Course
  • If you have questions call or WhatsApp us on 98200850475 or 
  • Send an email on or 
  • Fill the online form 

+(91) 9820850475

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