Reiki Heals Karmic Patterns
Today lets look at how Reiki heals our karmic patterns.
Bested on our desires, thoughts, intentions, words and actions we are destined to get a certain result in our future as destiny.
This is usually fixed and continues. As we continue to react to the results of past karma and create new karma, new destiny keeps getting created.
When a person enters spirituality by learning Reiki or meditation, the person can change his destiny as his awareness and consciousness expands.

As we progress in Reiki, we become less and less reactive. We don’t respond instinctively to what others say or do.
We accept bad words and actions by others as results of our bad karma. We take things easy as our acceptance of reality increases. We stop denying and reacting to life.
We break the chain of unconsciousness action and reaction patterns. We speak and act consciously.
How Reiki helps heal karmic patterns

In addition, we don’t act out of anger, hatred, envy or fear. We are grounded, calm and peaceful in almost every situation.
We look at things differently. Instead of reacting to everything we are consciously inaction.
Significantly good actions produce good results. Bad actions produce bad results. Inaction produces no karmic results.
In other words, inaction brings us out of the cycle of karma gradually.
As we progress in Reiki practice we either create good karma or no karma so our life gets better. Ease and grace fills our life.
As long as we start to understand the workings of nature and the Universe, we become more thankful and grateful.
First our desires are purified. Second, our intentions are purified.
third our actions are purified. Last but not least our life is purified.
Above all our karmic bank balance becomes clear. Destiny becomes divine.
Our life becomes a contribution to others and to life itself uniquely
Furthermore, we rise to higher levels of consciousness.
moreover, we are out of the cycle of birth, old age, disease, and death.
While we attain the ultimate truth and the illusion of duality disappears, we are aligned to our spiritual existence. We no longer identify with our ego because the light of our true self is shinning brightly.
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