Reiki Healing For Depression
In my more than 15 years of experience as a Reiki healer, I’ve seen many people benefit by using reiki for depression. Even at Nalanda reiki Center there are many people who come for Reiki healing for depression, out of that some of them do have depression but many of them have a feeling that they are in depression but in actuality they have some kind of stress, tension and worry. due to all this they are overwhelmed by negative feelings and emotions.
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How Reiki helps in depression - Case study 1
Once a young man called me and wanted an appointment for Reiki healing session. I asked him what is the purpose for the healing that he requires. He said I am feeling depressed.
When he came for the healing session I delved deeper into the issue. He was working as a college professor and his schedule was very busy. There was a lot of stress and he had very high expectations from himself. He would feel frustrated and irritated on himself when the expectations were not met.
During the healing session he felt very calm and relaxed. He felt good and next day he messaged me on WhatsApp that he is feeling better. I told him that if you want you can learn Reiki so that you can heal yourself and feel the same calmness everyday. He agreed since he could feel the difference.
Once in a week we would come for healing session and on a daily basis would practice Reiki at home. By doing this in less than 2 months started feeling very balanced, calm and centered and is productivity at work also doubled. During this period we also did a couple of inner child healing sessions . Inner child healing sessions helped him in dissolving certain patterns that he had formed in his childhood. Those pattern was creating all these problems.
Share with you the things that I suggested him that can be very helpful for those who have mild forms of depression or negative feelings :
Reiki healing session by an expert
Practicing reiki seven chakra healing
Drinking Reiki charged water
Doing aura cleansing with reiki
Repeating the five key principles morning and evening
Giving reiki at the third eye and Crown Chakra
Reiki for depression - case study 2
Sometimes there are cases where people have been diagnosed as having depression by a doctor. Such people should continue the medical treatment and also take the help of Reiki to recover from this problem.
I remember the case of a girl who was having severe depression. She was taking medicines. Due to depression and partly due to the medicines she was feeling sleepy most of the time. She is not feeling like doing anything.
She was not in a state to learn reiki as well but she was willing to come for Reiki healing sessions. After the cosutation I suggested to her parents that we will do Reiki healing session in person once in a week. And the rest of the days we will do Reiki distance healing session in the morning and evening.
After reiki Healing
After a few days she started getting better sleep. Her condition improved and she started to feel more positive about life. Earlier she would lock herself in a room and not talk to anyone. After starting Reiki healing she started to share things with her parents and siblings and started to socialize a little more.
After a few weeks of Reiki healing as her condition continued to improve her parents consulted the doctor to see if it was possible to reduce the dosage of some of the medicines. Since she was feeling much better the doctor reduced the dosages . Now when Iam writing this article, she has come to a stage where she is thinking of getting involved in her family business . Now she is taking responsibility of business to keep her mind occupied in something positive.
After reiki Healing
Her parents are very happy with the changes that they can see in their daughter. Her father was very worried of the long term side effect of the medicine that she was taking. Due to which he thought of taking the help of a natural healing method like Reiki.
His goal is that after a few months Reiki should be able to helper in getting rid of medicines all together.
It takes a lot of commitment and dedication on the part of the healer as well as the family members in helping a depressed person come out of depression.
Since Reiki is being practiced all over the world more and more people are turning to natural healing methods like Reiki to solve the problem of depression and anxiety.
My belief that anyone can take the help of Reiki and with patience, commitment and dedication come out of any problem. We have seen number of people come out of depression. By taking regular healing sessions and wherever possible learning Reiki and doing self healing at home.
The reason Reiki is very effective is that Reiki gives you a feeling of peace and quiet. Reiki balances all your chakras and energies to give you a feeling of balance and harmony.
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