Nalanda Reiki Healing Course
Reiki originates from Japan. The world has learned a lot from the philosophy, lifestyle, spiritual practices and meditation techniques of Japan. One such noteworthy practice is Reiki healing. Reiki is practiced as a form of energy healing all over the world. You will find Reiki courses being offered by Reiki teachers in almost every town and city on this planet.
Reiki is a Universal energy that flows from the hands of the practitioner to the client during a Reiki healing session. It is an ancient Buddhist practice of healing by touch healing as well as distance healing. Buddhist Monks here have been practicing Reiki healing for the last 2400 years. The most recent spotlight given to the practice of reiki was by Mikao Usui who started popularizing Reiki in Japan around 1922.
If you are looking for Reiki Healing in Mumbai then you are welcome to Nalanda Reiki Center. The healing session will last for 1 hour you can share whatever problems you are facing so we can do healing accordingly.
During the reiki treatment sesion you will feel warmth relaxatation & soothing vibration & Reiki healer will pass the reiki energy through all your Chakras & any blocks that there are in chakras will be removed & you will feel very good after the session.
At Nalanda Reiki Center, We have many Reiki Experts, who are very good in doing reiki treatments & people come from all walks of life for experiencing this healing session for various reasons.
Top 5 Benefits of Reiki Healing:
The universal energy that gets transferred in the Reiki healing process balances the energy flow in the body and gives you multiple benefits, including:
- Healing of any kind of physical, mental and emotional distress
- Helps in bringing a feeling of peace, calmness and happiness within us.
- Reduces stress, pain and tension in any part of the body.
- Helps to overcome negativity and be more optimistic towards life and people around us.
- Helps to stay active and increases energy levels of the body.
The benefits of Reiki are proven by many experiments. Those who practice it claims to experience calmness in their lives. They tell the world that they have gotten many positive outcomes out of Reiki healing. You can learn Reiki in person or you can learn Reiki online from a qualified teacher. There is surely something beautiful in this ancient practice that has made it survive even now. Reiki can give you magical results and will change your life forever.
At Nalanda Wellness we teach pure Usui Reiki, as taught by Sensei Mikao Usui. Even when you join the Reiki online course, you get the personal attention of your teacher, and we learn everything step by step. The best Reiki courses are the ones where you sit face to face with your teacher and you get answers to all your questions.
Advance Reiki Healing Courses

For beginners there are 3 levels that one needs to learn to become a Reiki practitioner. To have a complete and proper knowledge of Reiki and to be able to heal self or any person holistically you must learn all the 3 basic levels practically under the personal guidance of a Reiki Master or Reiki Grand Master.
The first Reiki course is for beginners. It is known as Shoden in Japanese. In this Reiki course you learn how to heal yourself and others with your hands. It is a full-day course followed by weekly practice sessions. At Nalanda Wellness we stress a lot on practicing what you learn so that it becomes a part of your life. If you are learning Reiki online, this course can be divided into 2 or 3 days with 2-3 hour sessions on each day and weekly follow-up sessions.

Reiki level 2 is also known as Okuden in Japanese. In this Reiki course you learn how to heal yourself and others with Reiki distance healing. You also learn how to heal and balance your emotions and how to heal you mind also helps others become free from anger, anxiety or depression. After completing this Reiki course, you will be able to practice Reiki distance healing. This is one of the most exciting aspects of the Reiki healing course because you can even heal someone who is in a different city! Isn’t that amazing?
This Reiki course is known as Shinpiden in Japanese. In this course you learn to heal yourself and others at a spiritual level. After completing this Reiki course you will be able to heal chronic health issues and difficult aspects of life. You can heal your karma as well and bring more ease in life. You ability to manifest your desire goes a notch up. This Reiki course is also known as reiki master level course. With the completion of this course, you become a Reiki Master level Practitioner. You can heal anyone, but you can’t teach anyone. To teach others you have to complete the Reiki level 4 course which is also known as the Reiki Master teacher level or Reiki Master Degree.
Effective Reiki Courses
To become a powerful Reiki healer, you can continue your journey with Karuna Reiki. By this time, you will see a lot of change in yourself. You will experience a lot of spiritual growth with Karuna Reiki level 1 and 2. You will be able to heal yourself and others at cellular levels. You will be able to heal any person in any situation. The Karuna Reiki course is beautiful.
Reiki Master Teacher Course
You can choose to become a Reiki Master when you have demonstrated your Reiki healing abilities by solving the health issues of others. You can apply to become a Reiki teacher and have a clarity call with Reiki grand master Sachin Bangera. During this, you can share your Reiki healing experiences so that he can guide you properly. If the Reiki er degree course is right for you now; he will tell you to register for the upcoming Reiki level 4 training. In this way you can begin the phase of your spiritual journey in Reiki.
At Nalanda Wellness we do rigorous training for all our teachers so that they can be role models for their students and teach Reiki ethically and powerfully. The Reiki Master degree training starts with 1 or 2 days practical training, followed by actual Reiki courses that you will conduct in the presence of Reiki Grand Master Sachin Bangera. You will continue to get guidance, feedback and coaching from Sachin Sir so that you become a confident Reiki Master.
We hand hold all our Reiki teachers while they conduct Reiki courses for their first few students. Since the learning process is never ending, you will continue to go deeper in your Reiki practice and continue to learn from every Reiki course you conduct.
Reiki Grand Master Course
You get qualified for the Reiki Grand Master degree course when you have taught Reiki level 1, 2 and 3 to more than 50 to 100 students. As a Reiki Grand Master you will guide, and hand hold new Reiki teachers till they become a confident Reiki Master.
The Reiki Grand Master training gives you deeper spiritual knowledge and teaches you many techniques that you must know to enable you to manage your growing number of Reiki students.
Why do people world over flock to Reiki healing courses?
The world is struggling with a lot of stress and tension, be it mental or physical. In such a scenario, people are desperately looking for something to calm their restlessness. Many of them approach the medical world and find themselves troubled by a lot of side effects. However, Reiki gives them the same calmness that they are looking for and that too without any side effects. This is why people all over the world are practicing Reiki.
My personal view is that every single person must practice Reiki, no matter what. Even if you claim that you are super healthy and have no emotional or physical tensions, you should practice Reiki. This is because Reiki is a way of life and practicing it regularly will ensure our eternal wellness.
A Reiki healing course teaches you how to access universal energy to balance and heal your own chakras or that of others, creating good health, peace of mind and emotional balance.
At Nalanda Wellness all our Reiki courses are 4 to 5 hours long and are followed up by 1 or hour long follow-up and practice sessions. This is true for Reiki online courses as well as in person Reiki courses.
People from all walks of life can benefit from Reiki because it is a natural healing method, and it helps us live a long and healthy life naturally.
You can get certified in Reiki at Nalanda Wellness. You can learn Reiki online or offline with us and as you complete each course you get a certificate.
You can definitely learn Reiki online in India as well as other countries. Recorded videos won’t help much. So just make sure your Reiki online course has a teacher teaching you live personally, in a face-to-face session on zoom, the way we teach in Nalanda Wellness!
To book your appointment for Reiki healing session you can call or WhatsApp 9820 850 475.
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