Reiki for World Peace
Whenever I hear of some political, medical, economical, environmental or any other problem at global level in any part of the world or news war or heated arguments between two countries I like to do Reiki for the highest good of all concerned.
Nobody wants war and nobody wants bad government but most people feel helpless. As a Reiki practitioner you are empowered to do something about it. As a Reiki second or third level practicener you can do Reiki for a positive outcome. You can ask Reiki to heal the situation and bring a positive change or a positive transformation in the situation.

How it happens and who does it, we don’t bother about it. We leave it on the Universe.
I am not into politics but whenever there is a election I do Reiki for the highest good of all people so that a good government comes in power and the people have a brighter future.
Sometimes the people are destined to suffer because of their bad Karma and may get a bad government. But as Reiki practitioners we should always do Reiki for a good and positive outcome.

We cannot always say what is good or bad because the Karma is also into play. Many times people choose the wrong politicians because of greed. Just as the people of Sri Lanka chose a certain politician as a leader because the politician give them many benefits like cut in taxes and free stuff.
So now they have chosen a leader who has promised big things but ultimately the government needs money to run the country. Now because of wrong choice of leadership, the people have to suffer when the country is no longer able to pay for the expenses to run the country.
Now lets look at Russia – Ukraine crisis in the same light. Who is right and who is wrong, I don’t know. I am no one to judge that and it’s very difficult to know the cause and effect of Karma by both Russia and Ukraine. But what is in my hand is I can wish for the well being of the people of both countries.
But the fact that they have suffered so much means that there must be some Karma that they have done because of which they were forced to suffer this as a group.
As a Ricky practitioner we wish and intend for a brighter feature for everyone. Since the heart Chakra of most Reiki practitioners is open we feel the unconditional love, compassion and oneness with everyone on this planet.
Whenever there is some bad situation politically or whenever there is a war between two countries or when there is economic crisis in a country we can at least make some good wishes for them and send them some Reiki. this is what I request to all the Reiki practitioners. Also every week we do a Reiki Webinar for Reiki practitioners. I would like to invite all Reiki practitioners to come and join the weekly Webinars where we do healing for global peace along with many other things in the agenda. During these sessions we do healing for harmony and abundance for people in India people in other parts of the world. We do this so that everyone has freedom, joy and happiness in their life and everyone is guided in the right direction. I am sure you are feeling attracted to this idea and you feel like contributing like other Reiki practitioners rather than just being a helpless spectator of whatever is happening in the world. As a Reiki practitioner this is a great opportunity for you to do something for society to do something for the world. To make this world better place. We do not judge anybody. We are just doing Reiki healing for the good of all and Reiki decides what is best for everyone and the universe decides what is best for everyone. Due to the Reiki healing that we are sending something better will be worked out for all of them so let us prayer and do Reiki healing for all the people who are suffering.
We are not doing this for our benefit. You are just doing Reiki for the benefit of all those who are willing to receive Reiki energy. You would love to be part of this? please join our WhatsApp group and be part of the Reiki healing process and let us make the world a better place and have world peace.
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