How to Use Reiki For Postive thoughts
When we want a certain thing in our life, as a Reiki practitioner first of all, we have to write down what is it that we want in our diary.
After writing it when we do Reiki we need to ask guidance from Reiki and how to achieve that goal and take action on the same.
Remember, whatever you think most of the time you create in your life so you need to think about what you want and not what you don’t want.
When you think about something, you put your attention on it, you give energy to it and then you manifest it in reality.
Your thinking affects your feelings and emotions.
When we think about some past incident, we start to feel the same positive or negative emotions and that energy is accumulated in our body and we attract similar situations even in the present.
Instead of going in the past, you to think about the future and think about what we want to create in the future. You need to keep doing Reiki for the future that we want.
As we visualise the future that we want, we start to feel positive about those things and the positive energy accumulates in our body and then we attract similar positive situations in our lives.
Let me share a real example so you can understand better.

Sachin Bangera
Reiki Grand Master
Case Study
Let me share a real example so you can understand better.
Someone contracted me for Reiki distance healing for depression and anxiety in the beginning of 2021.
She had experienced a divorce and most of the time she was thinking about the those events and asking herself ‘Why this happened to me?’
This made her really depressed and she was taking medicines to overcome this depression when she contacted me.

My first goal was to help her to let go of the past, because past is past and it should not be allowed to disturb your present.
To help her release the grip of the past I took her through a couple of counselling and therapy sessions.
During these sessions she said everything that happened to her and while the emotions were rising I helped her in releasing them so that all the garbage that has been collected, is released.
As she was a Reiki practitioner I told her to resume her Reiki self healing sessions as well so that her energy levels are high.
Then I told her to write what kind of person you want to get married to and how the ideal life that she wants, looks like.
In 3 months she was able to significantly reduced her dependence on medicines because she was getting better sleep due to the Reiki healing sessions.
The anxiety attacks she was experiencing had reduced both in frequency and intensity. Doctor had allowed her to reduce the dosage as the symptoms started disappearing.
I encouraged her to continue to consult the Doctor because when the Doctor says ‘You are alright’ there is no better confirmation for most people than that. It’s double confirmed then. Isn’t it?
Yes, She was feeling positive and optimistic and the thoughts from the past were not recurring in her mind. It was a big relief.
Not only was She able to sleep better and but all the pain from her neck, shoulders and upper back was gone.
Work Experience
She started thinking about her positive and bright future she started to speak positively, feel positively and act in the direction of her goals.
She started to get proposals from prospective partners and finally got married on the eight month of our contact.
So in this way, any situation can be transformed by the proper practice of Reiki and by being observant of our thoughts, feelings and emotions.
And by making sure that we are thinking and feeling only positive thoughts so that we attract only positive things in our life
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