# Amazing Features of Reiki
Reiki for Back Pain
Many people suffer from back pain. It disturbs your daily work when you have back pain. Reiki is a natural healing technique that can help anyone in dealing with back pain.
Back pain can severely affect the quality of our life and our ability to carry on our daily life smoothly. I have never had back problems but Tina, a Reiki student who came to learn Reiki from me recently, told me that she had terrible back pain and after taking medicines for 10 years she decided to go the natural way.
Tina said ‘Pain medication can help temporarily but how long can you continue to use pain killers?’ She said that these pain killers had started to have side effects on her kidneys so she wanted to take the help of an alternative healing method. Reiki was her choice because someone told her it was easy to learn and it was right.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese technique that uses the energy of the Universe.
Reiki for back pain
Reiki for other types of pain
Back pain can also be caused by muscle spasms and tendinitis, a condition which can be treated by Reiki. It should be noted that back pain can be very difficult to diagnose and there are several different symptoms that can be associated with back pain.
If you have pain in the upper back, or low back it could be caused by muscle spasms and tendinitis. These are the most common causes of back pain in adults.
Muscle spasms and tendinitis are the most common causes of back pain and can be treated using a combination of Ayurvedic medicines and Reiki. Reiki is a way of gently placing the hands on the pain area and giving Reiki to energise the body’s natural healing ability.
Place your hands on problem areas for 15-20 minutes to eliminate pain, bring better health and vitality in the body. This Japanese technique of healing works by healing your body in a gentle and natural way.
Undoubtedly there are many cures for back pain but like the other cures they take time to heal and also take professional medical help. On the other hand Reiki is an effective method of curing back pain naturally. I hope you have all learned a little bit today. Unquestionably it gives you fast results if used regularly.
Now that you know about Reiki, you can start learning it and take great care of your body. Keep in touch with me! I love hearing from you and I also love sharing my experience with you. You can contact me via the button on the right side of this page