Reiki A Natural Healing Method.
Today lets look at Reiki and its meaning and significance in our lives.
Reiki is a Japanese word which means spiritual energy.
Reiki is a natural healing method and people from all religions, all over the world are using this natural healing method for gaining physical health, mental peace, emotional balance and spiritual growth.
Reiki is becoming more and more popular because anyone can practice Reiki irrespective of their religious beliefs and one does not have to change his beliefs when practicing Reiki.
Reiki is the energy of the Universe and people from all beliefs and faiths can use this for their betterment.
Anybody can become a Reiki healer by getting empowered or attuned to Reiki by a Reiki Master in a initiation process called attunement during the Reiki course.
With Reiki you can heal yourself as well as others so it is very beneficial for the entire family even if one person learns Reiki in your family.
During a Reiki healing session the Universal energy of Reiki flows through the Reiki practitioner and heals the recipient of any physical ailment or mental or emotional disturbance.
When we are passing Reiki to others we are just being a medium. We are not the healer. The real healer is Reiki energy itself.
More About Reiki
Reiki is an intelligent energy so it knows more than us and heals even things that we are not aware of.
The Reiki energy comes only when it is called for and it comes from the spiritual Source of creation. It enters our body through the Crown chakra and then enters the Third Eye chakra. Then it goes into the Throat Chakra, then Heart Chakra. From Heart Chakra it goes into our hands. When you can place your hands on anyone, that person also will receive the Reiki energy and get healed.
Further the Reiki energy goes into the Solar Plexus chakra, then Sacral chakra and then into the Root chakra and from Root Chakra it goes into the Earth.
While Reiki is flowing through each of the chakras it cleanses and balance each of the Chakra. This improves the functioning of all the surrounding organs.
Reiki energy creates a harmony at all levels, physical, mental, emotional and also spiritual level. That’s why it’s a complete system of holistic healing.
After harmonizing and balancing the chakras the Reiki energy enters the endocrine system and energizes all the glands that produce hormones so that the hormonal production is balanced and optimum.
Further the Reiki energy heals all the important organs of the body so that they function at optimum level and the person experience good health.
Reiki can be given to a person even when the person is going through a medical treatment or any other kind of alternative treatment, because it helps in the healing process and speeds up the healing.
Reiki practitioners and teachers will never discourage anybody from continuing their ongoing therapy. They will only suggest you to add Reiki to complement existing therapy the person is undergoing.
Reiki is an intelligent energy so we do not need to control it. The required amount of energy will automatically flow through the healer and be available to the person being healed.
Reiki healers at trained to be non judgemental and detached from the results and be greatful for the healing. The more grateful you are for the healing, the better the results you will experience.
Once the person is healed, if the person so desires he or she can also become a Reiki channel so that they can continue to heal himself and live a long, healthy and happy life.
Reiki GrandMaster Sachin Bangera

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