Past Life Regression Love Story

Past Life Regression Case Study - 5

On 1st September 2022 I got a call from a lady named Helena Watson from London, United Kingdom. She wanted to go for a past life regression session to understand her love relationship with her husband.


She told me that she lost her husband in May 2022 and after that she was feeling very lonely. She felt as if there was no purpose in life. She felt that her life was totally directionless, with no clue about what to do and how to spend the rest of her life.


With these thoughts she called me. She told me that I want to know about my love relationship with my husband… How were we connected in the past…? Why did we get separated? What lessons can I learn from previous lifetimes?


Helena told me that her husband was a spiritual person and they belong to a business family which is very well-known in the diamond industry.


Helena remembered her days with her husband and said. “We would travel to many different countries every year. Whenever we went, they were together. Since marriage we never got separated even for a few days.”


She lamented, “Why did God take him away so early and how will I spend the rest of my life? She wanted to find out all this and she  expected to get the answers from the past regression session.

She had booked the session on and decided to have the session on the evening of September 6, 2022. 

Helena's Questions about Past Life Regression

Before the session began Helena asked me certain questions about past regression. The first question was: 
Will I remember everything that I see and experience? 
I said yes definitely. You will be totally conscious and you remember everything that you see and experience. You will be in total control of yourself.
Her second question: 

What if I don’t come back from my past life? 

I reassured her that we are not going anywhere. We are just remembering things which happened in the past lifetimes. Just like we remember something which happened a few weeks ago, similarly we are remembering something which happened a few years or few lifetimes ago. 
Everything is stored in the subconscious mind and we will be just accessing those memories. We will remain in this life and we will only be remembering something which has already happened.
Having resolved her concerns about past life regression sessions, she was ready to go to the memories of the past.
Every past life regression session begins with relaxation because in a relaxed state of Mind you are able to access the memory of the past easily. 
I took her through a relaxation session and I told her that I will be talking to her during the session and she can describe what she is seeing on the screen of her mind. 
As a past life regression therapist my job was to keep guiding her further so that we can achieve the goal that we have for this session. 
Helena wanted to know the connection between her and her husband and why all this happened suddenly. 

Helena's Love Relationship with her Husband

The first scene…
She saw was in a royal garden. It was a beautiful royal garden. I asked, “Are you alone there?” She said, no my husband is with me. He seems to be very rich. He is from a very wealthy, aristocratic family. 
She is very happy with him. They both are very happy. They’re roaming around in the garden, enjoying each other’s company.
This is what she saw in the beginning of the session in the first scene. Then a few years had passed and she saw the second scene. 
In this she said that I cannot see anything. It’s totally dark. I said, that is fine, just keep relaxing and notice what is coming up next. Helena said it’s very dark. It’s the middle of the night. 
I am walking and there is a lot of snow here. I inquired, how does it feel? Which place is this? She replied, it seems like Russia and there is a lot of snow here. 
There is no one else. I asked her, what are you doing there? She said I am walking. After some time she said I can see somebody sleeping on the ground far away. 
My next question was, who is that person? She said I don’t know but I have to check. When she went near that person, suddenly she started to cry. Why was Helena crying?
Helena could sense that this person is related to her. What is your relationship?, I asked. She said he is my husband. There was an arrow on his chest. It had hit his heart. 
Looking at the kind of clothes he was wearing, he appeared to have been injured in a war and probably he was returning home. Even though he is wearing armour, that Arrow had hit him on the heart. He is dead, she said while crying. 

The Third Scene

She saw that she was just crying the whole night and then it’s morning. She is still there and finally a few people come there and with their help she does the cremation.
Then she saw the third scene in which she was near a port. A ship was waiting and she was supposed to go in the ship. Lots of people had gathered there. Some of them were crying. 
Helena was also crying because she was lonely there. There was no nowhere to go and because the ship was going somewhere she decided to go into that ship. There was nobody related to her to see her off. She was alone. 
After some time she went to the ship. I asked her if anybody had forced her to go into the ship. She said no, nobody is forcing me to go. I am going to do it on my free will. 
The ship sailed for many many days and finally the ship reached the destination. The destination looked like it was a port in the Netherlands. 
The people were very happy and they were also very friendly. They welcomed all these travellers and gave them food and everything they needed.
She was not feeling comfortable. She was also not well. She was alone and was feeling sad. She had no option, that is why she came so far from her home country. 
Here these people were living in big houses. They are very kind people. There was a lady who was very caring. She started to live with her.

Helena's Fear turned in to reality

She was born and her parents were happy that they had a healthy child. Helena realized that this was her current lifetime. She was born in Copenhagen and she met her husband at the age of 22 and got married. 
Helena was very close to his husband but she always had a fear of losing him. She understood why she had this fear. It was because she had lost her in past life and it was a pattern that was very strong and it got repeated in current lifetime. 
For 10 years of their marriage they were always together. He was in the Diamond business so he was always travelling and he would always take her with him wherever he went.
Suddenly one fine day he died due to a problem in his heart. There was a hole in his heart. This problem was not detected soon enough and because of which his health continued to deteriorate and one day he left his body.
Since then she is thinking why he left her alone and why cannot we be together forever…  

How Past Life Regression Session Helped her to see the reality

From the session she learned that they were lovers in the previous lifetime and in the previous lifetime also he died because the arrow hit him in his heart and in this lifetime also there was a whole in his heart. 
This is somehow very mysterious and surprising that the cause of his death was because of the whole in his heart in both his lifetime. 
She said that we have lots of money because we are coming from a business family but for us the most important was the association of each other. We wanted nothing else but each other.
I am sure you are inspired by Helena’s story. Its possible to Uncover and heal your past with a Past Life Regression Session Online and you begin your journey to Wholeness today.

If you are curious about Past Life Regression, don’t let fears or doubts hold you back. Experience the Transformative Power of PLR.

Break free from emotional and mental blocks. Discover how Past Life Regression can transform your life. 


Do we reincarnate? Is there really life after death? Is it true that there is life after death? Do we bring the seeds of previous lives and karmas into this life?

Get answer of all of your questions through past life regression.

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