Mudra Therapy
Entire universe is made of five elements according to the vedic scriptures. These five elements include the earth water fire the air we breathe and space.
Aur body is also made of the 5 elements. When the five elements are in balance of body is in healthy state. If there is any imbalance in these elements then that causes ill health.

The food we eat the thoughts with think and the way we live our life effect this balance.
Different Medical Systems strive to remove this imbalance in different ways. In Mudra therapy which is part of the yoga system to create a balance by using our hands and fingers.
The vital force of our body pran Shakti is constantly going out of body body body through our fingers and toes. In Mudra therapy we learn how to redirect this energy and create a balance of the five elements so that we can experience good health.
The Thumb represent the fire element the index finger represents the element the middle finger represent the space element ring finger x ray present the earth element and the little finger represents the water element.
Through Mudra therapy we can balance among the file limits the beauty of this technique which is integral part of yoga .
The side effects of modern medicine have been very well documented and people are now looking for alternatives baby’s Day Can Heal themselves naturally and Mudra therapy is one such alternative. Modern medicine is also a very costly affair and in comparison Mudra therapy offers a free of cost way to. How to easy to learn and anybody can do it without having to spend years.
Badi who you learn the science of mudras has access to abhi of easily and conveniently Heal themselves and others. As we know prevention is better than cure samudra therapy can be used as a way of living a healthy life.
Mudra therapy as a magical effect on the body and mind indira hundreds of benefit we get without spending a single rupee.
Mudra therapy is Not only easy and convenient you can do it anywhere anytime and you do not have to worry about any side effect
There is a Mudra for every disease of the body and mind. In mudra therapy we join our fingers in various ways to redirect the bio energy of our body. Is finger is divided into three parts upper middle and lower. When we touch the upper part of the corresponding element is balanced, when we touch the middle part corresponding element is decreased and when we touch the part the corresponding element is increased. This is a basic principle of the science of mudras.
Power Ranger entry season CGS have used the science of mudras as a tool for spiritual growth. the Mudra therapy is part of the yoga system it is a proactive system of maintaining good health
Madras work as a switch board of body to regulate the energy flow. Mudras are performed using both the hands. Performed while sitting standing or even walking. For best results perform the mudras for 15 minutes 3 times a day. If you do Pranayam while doing mudras it can have even more beneficial effect. Invent mudras are done in while doing yoga asanas it increases the effectiveness even more. Just like in any other things continuous practice of Mudra therapy always gives you desired results mudra therapy can be used alongside other therapies as well.
Mudra therapy is a complete science of Holistic healing. It does not cost anything to practice there are no equipments needed anybody can learn it and it is a powerful way to heal yourself and liver healthy life.
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