Inner Shifts with Reiki

Inner Shifts with Reiki Healing is founded on the idea that our exterior environment is simply a reflection of our inner state, and that when we heal our inner state, our outer world begins to reflect it as well. When we heal ourselves, everything in our life shifts.
When Akanksha came to Nalanda Reiki Center for the first time, she was severe depression.
She has been through a divorce and had a lot of anxiety for the future. After the Reiki healing session she felt good, not only during the session but for a couple of days at a stretch.
That’s when she decided to learn Reiki. As she practiced Reiki her days got better and she found her lost enthusiasm for life back.
When we shift, our environment also shifts.
Her relationships at work got better. She experienced a deeper connection with her siblings. In fact her results inspired her sister to get started with Reiki
These shifts become more and more magnified and visible as we progress from Reiki level 1 to Reiki level 3.
After the divorce she was finding it difficult to trust men. However Reiki second degree course helped her overcome her trust issues. She started to think about getting married again.
There are shifts in your social circle. People who no longer serve your higher purpose leave and are replaced by people who can support you on your spiritual journey.
When she came to the spiritual retreat organised by Nalanda Wellness, she met many like minded people. Many of them were Reiki practitioners so it was fun to share each others experience and also give Reiki to each other during the retreat.
Many people shift to new jobs, businesses or professions. Or there are other positive changes that helps you grow and expand.
She got a job offer from another company. It had all the elements she had written in her journal during the Money Manifestation Workshop. She got a good increment in her salary. He was overjoyed and she messaged me on WhatsApp.
With some therapy sessions she was also able to release the fear that the same thing might repeat if she got married again. She met someone at work with whom she felt comfortable. They understood each other but she was not thinking of marriage with him. But then suddenly one day he proposed her and in a few months they got engaged.
She called me before her engagement and she was so happy. One year back she did not expect that such swift shifts will happen in her life.
All this happened in a relatively short span of time. In 1 year there were so many shifts in her life.
She invited me for her marriage. She said it would not be possible without me. I told her that she had caused it because she chose to trust Reiki and allowed Reiki to make a difference.
No matter how you found us... it was meant to be
Abundance manifests in the life of Reiki practitioners who do Reiki consistently with commitment and dedication.
As more and more people in your circle learn Reiki and transform themselves, your entire family and friend circle shifts to a higher level.
You become a medium of transformation in this world and the Universe then treats you like a partner. The Universe provides you everything you need and guides you in everything you do.
As Reiki expands in our communities, the world starts to transform. This has been happening for many years now. That’s why Reiki is being practiced by millions of people all over the world now.
Is it time now to have International Reiki Day now? I think so, let me know your thoughts…
Some people shift to a new house or make changes in their living environment.
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