How to Receive Reiki

When we are attuned to Reiki, we become channels of Reiki. Reiki heals us and heals others through us. We are not the healers. We are the channels of Reiki. Reiki is the healer. 
This attitude of a Reiki Practitioner is very important in the process of healing. So the best attitude you can have is that of gratitude towards Reiki. The more gratitude you have, the better channel you will become. 
The Reiki healing process is simple. It has only two steps. First step is requesting healing and second step is accepting the healing. 
If you are healing someone, that person should have the will to be healed by Reiki. You can then request Reiki to heal him and Reiki starts to flow and heals the person. All we have to do is just be in a state of acceptance and gratitude. 
We can tell people about the benefits and possibilities with Reiki and give Reiki to those who are willing and open. 
People may have doubts or they may not be sure how Reiki works but if they are open,  receptive and grateful, healing takes place. 
In requesting or invoking Reiki words are not  important. You can use the words your teachers have taught you or you can say it in your own words. More important than words is how you feel. 
Feeling grateful and certain that the healing will take place and being ready to receive it is the best thing to do. Being grateful during opening, middle and closing a healing session is all it takes. 
If you are religious, you can think of Reiki as the energy of God. If you are of a scientific bent of mind, you can think of Reiki as Pure Energy. An intelligent Energy that created this Universe. 
One of my student calls Reiki as ‘Reiki Maa’. Reiki is an energy and Energy means Shakti in Sanskrit. And Shakti also refers to Goddess Shakti. So it is apt to address Reiki as Reiki Maa or Mother Reiki, he says.
It doesn’t matter how you address Reiki. It is ultimately the energy of the Universe. So you can have a scientific view of Reiki or a religious view of Reiki. It doesn’t matter. In both cases you can benefit. 
If you have a certain view of Reiki, don’t criticize others who have a different view than you. Because all are valid point of views. Nobody knows the ultimate truth, unless they are enlightened. 
When you are enlightened you can see things as they are. You are not coloured by what society teaches you. 

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Why learn Reiki through a qualified Reiki master

Listen to people who have purified their perception and have advanced on the spiritual path. They have realized the truth of existence. They have gone beyond this reality and experienced the divine. 
Words are not enough to express the ultimate truth so you have to try to get their experience by reading between the lines. By understanding their expression and body language. 
You have to listen to them empathetically.  Only then you can get what they got. This is the proceas in which the experience of the divine is given by a teacher to a student. 
That is why having a living Guru or teacher is important. You must be able to ask questions and receive personal guidance from the teacher. 
For this reason we conduct regular follow up sessions, webinars and spiritual retreats. It gives students an opportunity to receive spiritual knowledge that is transmitted by the teachers. This leads to self realization and self discovery. 
When students experience spiritual truths their life is transformed.
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