How to become a Tarot Card Reader online
If you have been thinking of becoming a Tarot Card Reader online then this article will be very useful for you. What if you learn how to promote yourself on social media along with how to read tarot cards? You would get more clients, right? What if after learning tarot you get many clients for yourself? Want to know how? Read till end…
If you are yet to learn tarot card reading then I suggest that you do the basic and advanced tarot card reading course from Nalanda Wellness. During the course you get ample opportunity to practice tarot card reading with actual questions from real people.
This will give you even more confidence in your ability as a Tarot Card Reader. When you learn in this practical way you will get a first hand understanding of how it works. You will also realize how responsible you are as a Tarot Card Reader and for what you are speaking to the client and how you can shape their future with your readings.
Most people come for a tarot card reading session when they are going through a transition in their life and they are seeking answers to serious questions which can shape their future. We believe that the best Tarot Card reading course is the one which teaches you to help people by finding the answers to the questions they have and move forward in the direction of their goals.
Why Nalanda Wellness
At Nalanda Wellness we believe that Tarot card reading is all about helping people. People who might be in a difficult situation where they are desperate for finding a solution or finding a way forward in life. Ultimately you will realize that as a Tarot Card Reader you are also a coach and guide and mentor.
People will pour out their heart to you and your job is to guide them through the rough patches of their life. What better way could there be to learn this other than learning from my experienced Tarot Card Reader? That’s why at Nalanda Wellness the courses are conducted by highly experienced tarot card readers who have years of experience in helping people.
In the professional tarot card reading course you learn how to handle clients who are nervous or who might become emotional while doing the reading and helping them find the way out from the situation they are currently facing. Once you completed the tarot card reading course then you are ready to do professional tarot cards reading for clients online.
We teach students how to do this online on various social media sites after the advance course. After the advance tarot reading course there are two bonus courses in which you will learn how to promote yourself on Instagram and YouTube as a Tarot Card Reader. You can follow Nanda Wellness on Instagram and check out some of our students who are promoting their tarot card reading business on Instagram and earning a decent income while helping their clients.
Instagram Mastery for tarot card readers
Nalanda Wellness gives you a special course titled Instagram Mastery for tarot card readers. In this course you will learn the following :

How to create a powerful profile on Instagram. How to create powerful content on Instagram that attracts new client. You will learn all about reels and how to use it to create a mass following on Instagram. You will learn the art of writing effective captions. Learn the best hashtags that expert tarot card readers use. You’ll also learn how to schedule your post on Instagram so that you do much more in less time.
You will learn effective strategies for using stories to get maximum exposure. You will also learn how to use highlights to get most benefit to grow your tarot card business. You will learn how to to get organic growth on Instagram for getting more clients. You will also learn all about going live on Instagram and the best practices for doing so. Learn how to make more money on Instagram and attract hundreds of clients from Instagram. You will learn many advance techniques for selling your services on Instagram and for generating leads for your tarot card reading business. Once you complete this tarot reading course you will be ready to become a Tarot Card Reader who is generating leads and doing business online
The fee for this course is Rs 8000 and it come to you for free if you have registered for Advanced Tarot Card reading course from Nalanda Wellness.
YouTube Mastery for tarot card readers
There are many tarot card readers who are doing very well on YouTube. If you wish to use YouTube as your social media of choice then we also have a course in which we teach you how to get on the top of search results on YouTube.
In the ‘Youtube mastery course for tarot card readers’ will learn many things related to how to bring your videos on top of search results so that you get maximum views and followers and clients through your YouTube channel. This course also comes as a free bonus with the advance tarot reading course. If you want it seperately, you can get it for Rs 5000.
Coaching Mastery for tarot card readers
As a tarot card reader it is also important to develop some coaching skills because clients are going through situations in life where along with your reading if you give a little bit of coaching it can help them a lot. You will be perceived as someone who is really interested in them and their life and ready to help them in what they are dealing with in life.
As part of the advance course we also give you a bonus course on how to coach your clients during your tarot card reading session. In this course you will learn valuable lessons on how to listen actively to your clients and counsel them and coach them on various issues that they are facing. You’ll also learn how to create a safe environment for a client where they feel at ease and they are free to share with you what they are dealing with and become open to the suggestions and guidance you give. If you are already an established tarot card reader, you can contact us to get this course for free.
Become a partner of Nalanda Wellness
If you wish to promote yourself online you can also register yourself as a tarot card reader on Nalanda Wellness website. This will also give you a lot of visibility because many people visit our website for various courses that we have on offer. Contact us to find out more about this.
Being a professional Tarot Card Reader is the altogether different ball game. Since the client is paying you, you are supposed to give them a good reading which is accurate and helpful to them to make important decisions in life.
This is a reason why we stress so much on being calm and grounded during a tarot card reading in our basic and advanced courses. Being calm and centered is so important that is why we teach you meditations and rituals. These rituals to follow before you do a tarot card reading session.
I hope you learn something new from this article. If you have questions you can post them on the comments below or you can DM us on Instagram @Nalanda Wellness or chat with us on WhatsApp.