Have you ever thought about attracting a specific person in your life? Did you ever try to use your mind power for it? Yes or no…?
In any case, I urge you to try this mind power exercise to attract someone you like in your life. Give it your 100 % and let’s see what happens!
You know that our minds are incredibly powerful. I fully believe that the human mind is capable of creating anything. Our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions shape our world. We possess the power to utilize our thoughts to draw people, things and events into our life.
Today we will go over how to use mind power to attract a specific person in your life and what you need to do to make it happen.
Your thoughts are energy vibrations, which make up everything in your physical world. Your thoughts have a strong impact on how your life is shaped.
Your thoughts have an impact on what happens to you in every area of life. Align your thoughts you have the power of the subconscious mind to attract love
Most people don’t pay much attention to their thought processes, including how they think, and what they fear or hope for. Pay attention to your thoughts, what they tell you, and what they ignore in the outside world.
We pay little attention to how we think, while we go about our life. As we move through life, we often fail to pay attention to one of the most important and powerful aspects of ourselves: that is our thoughts!
You attract what your attention is on. You attract what you think about and believe, most of the time. Let’s go deeper into this and look at the steps for attracting a specific person with Mind Power.
You can attract everything you want, including a particular person if you apply the Law of Attraction correctly. There are five Law of Attraction guidelines that you must abide by if you want to use your mental force to attract a specific person into your life.
Five Mind Power Techniques To Attract Someone
1. Be definite about the kind of relationship you desire.
Knowing precisely what kind of relationship you want to have with someone is the first step in using mind power to attract that person.
What emotions does this relationship evoke in you? How do you feel about your partner? To manifest, it’s crucial to be particular about all these things.
Define the qualities you want in the relationship, even if you’re trying to create one with someone you already know.
2. Match their Vibrational Frequency
Each individual vibrates at a particular frequency. We must vibrate at the same frequency as the person we desire to attract to bring them into our lives. Hence, match yourself to that person’s vibrational frequency if you wish to use mind power to attract them!
Now, you must be wondering how you can do it. Here is the simplest method to accomplish that. You can start by picturing this individual in your life already.
Simply start by clearing your mind for a few minutes with breathing exercises and meditation. Then think of the specific person you desire. Try to recall as many specifics as you can about them and imagine being there with them.
Utilize each of your senses. Think of what they may smell like, what they might be wearing, and how they might appear. Picture yourself with them, enjoying a pleasant moment.
Dwell in the emotion that this vision brings about. This exercise can be done repeatedly!
Your ability to attract someone will increase as you practice visualizing them with you already.
3. Acknowledge your pessimistic beliefs
Self-sabotaging ideas are key things that prevent people from attracting the things they want into their lives. Therefore take the time to identify any limiting ideas you have regarding this manifestation while you are using the mind power technique to attract this person.
We might think that a person doesn’t want to be with us when we’re trying to get them into our lives. We might also think that we don’t fit in with them or that it is not going to work, etc.
We develop resistance as a result of not truly believing that we can have that person in our lives. Therefore you must be aware of and we must clear our mind of any idea that is preventing us from achieving what you want.
4. Create Energy Room for Them In Your Life
Creating an energetic space in your life is the next step while using mind power to attract a specific person. We frequently cling to ex-partners or other persons who have already left our lives.
We cling to the past because we cannot let go of what no longer serves us, to forgive those who have wronged us, or to just admit that we have been wounded.
Holding onto the past consumes too much energy. If we do that then we don’t have enough energy left to welcome someone new into our lives.
If you don’t make room for new people or relationships, you won’t be able to attract them into your life. Thus, take the time to let go of anything from your past that might be draining your energy. Clear your mental space to attract a particular person.
5. Be Kind to Yourself
Although it may sound silly, the best thing you can do if you want to attract someone into your life is to love yourself. Love is a feeling with a very high frequency. Loving yourself raises your vibration and tempts people to you when they come into contact with your energetic field.
Focus on loving yourself in the same way that you would like that person to adore you. This will help you attract that person. Avoid the feeling of wanting the person. We want to attract that person so feel as if you already have that person in your life.
We have a strong attachment to them because we believe they will fill the emotional need in our lives. You let go of that attachment. Give yourself the love you want to receive from them so that you no longer feel needy. This way you let go of attachment. Then, your path is clear and whatever you wish to attract is drawn to you like a magnet.
Just trusting the Universe helps. You can find it easy to attract a particular individual into your life when they are the right fit for you or vice versa. Have faith that the Universe will protect you and look out for your best interests at all times!
Now you know how to use mind power to attract a particular person! You can draw a certain individual to you by using the Law of Attraction. When you have patience and detachment, it might occur immediately.
Sometimes to attract someone into your life because you need to get rid of the past, develop self-love, and decide what type of relationship you truly desire. When all this is done together you will be creating magic in your life.
If you want to get deeper into it and become a pro at using your mind power to attract all the good things in life, then join the upcoming Mind Power Online Course by Sachin Bangera.
You can also book a Mind Power healing session with Sachin. During this session, he will first understand your situation and goals. Then he will take you through a mind-power-guided meditation to achieve your goal. You will also get a recording of the same so that you can listen to it again and again, till you manifest your goal!
Written By : Sachin Bangera
About the author
Sachin Bangera is a passionate Reiki teacher. He has students all over the world. He travels extensively and conducts Meditation Retreats and Reiki courses in Mumbai and other cities.
You can invite Sachin to your city if you want to host workshops or spiritual retreats. You can also get in touch with him to join his upcoming events.