Transformation with Reiki
Yes, there has been a transformation. First of all let’s discuss how Reiki healing is done for acute and chronic diseases.
Reiki is very helpful when dealing with acute diseases like a tension headache or a stomach upset.
In such cases a Reiki healing is given to the exact location where the problem is. Usually in a few minutes the healing is complete and the person experiences good health again.
In case of chronic diseases, you need to give Reiki healing everyday for a number of days.
In many cases people start to feel the relief in the diseased condition from day 1. As you continue to give Reiki healing the person starts to feel better and better.
Reiki healing should continue till there are no signs of the disease and the person is feeling completely recovered.
Reiki Healing Crisis
Sometimes Reiki practitioner might experience what is termed as a Reiki healing crisis. What happens is the person experiences common cold or loose motion or the like as the toxins are flushed out of the body.
This happens when the body releases toxic material which has built up in the system over the years. So it is good for us.
This release is due to the mental emotional healing that is taking place due to Reiki healing. We should allow all the toxins to be released out of the body.
During this period the Reiki practitioner should drink lots of water so that the toxins can be eliminated from the body easily.
You can charge the water with Reiki so that it is even more beneficial. For more on this just google search article by Sachin Bangera titled ‘Reiki charged water’
During the healing crisis the body heals the conditions that create diseases in the body with the help of Reiki.
We just need to help the body in removing the garbage out of the system so that you can live a healthy life thereon.
This kind of healing crisis caused by Reiki healing is good for you because it is purifying the system by eliminating the waste and toxins.
Mental Emotional Healing with Reiki
As you continue with your Reiki practice and repeat the 5 Reiki principals morning and evening, you start to notice a lot of change in yourself.
Many Reiki practitioners notice that they stop blaming other people. They stop judging themselves and others as well. Many people get rid of a lot of emotional burden from the mind and heart.
You start to notice that you become less angry, less upset and you worry less than usual. You are also more grateful and thankful for everything you have in life and it increases the general feeling of happiness in life.
As you continue to practice Reiki healing you find it easy to let go.
Your self image starts to transform. You start to see your true self clearly, rather than the imaginary self or the self that society wants you to be.
You start being less and less judgemental about others and yourself. You start to become more and more forgiving of yourself and others.
When you are able to experience emotions easily and also able to let go of them easily, there are no mental or emotional baggages that you carry, so you start to feel lighter and healthier.
Healing Past Karma with Reiki
Sometimes we see people who have some disease which has no apparent cause in the present. These are diseases which are a result of past Karma.
Search diseases or problems have a higher degree of difficulty and it takes a longer time to heal such situations or problems or diseases.
It requires the healing of a higher level and in such cases people who are attuned to Reiki level 3 or Reiki Masters degree can perform a better healing.
Accidents or unwanted situations that arise in life are part of nature's arrangement of giving us the fruits of activities done in the past or past life.
It is designed to help us learn a lesson and do corrections in our attitude, behaviour and functioning of our mind and emotions.
With Reiki you start to vibrate at the very high and subtle frequency and because of that you are healed at very subtle levels of mind, emotions and attitude. Even your past karma is healed gradually.
Reiki works at very deep level and your attitude and point of view of life starts to shift and that causes major transformation in your life.
Many health issues are caused due to emotional, mental and attitudinal state of a person and negative patterns which cause problems in life.
With regular practice of Reiki, the inner frustration, anger or suppressed emotions come out and you start to feel more and more peaceful, calm and balanced.
The glands and organs of the body start to function optimally and you start to feel more and more healthy.

Reiki GrandMaster Sachin Bangera

Relationship healing with Reiki
Many emotional and mental issues are created because of relationships. We use Reiki to balance our relationships.
With Reiki healing we start to acknowledge our feelings and share our feelings and not ignore any feeling or emotion. Many people who have taken Reiki distance healing for relationships have experienced miracles.
Suddenly people find a way in expressing themselves in a healthy and productive way. Sharing is a must in a relationship. Reiki healing has been instrumental in starting stalled communication between couples and restored love and respect in many relationships.
Reiki healing is the solution for many things. Reiki is not just for physical, mental or emotional problems. Reiki is a tool for creating positive conditions in all aspects of your life.
Reiki is an unconditional loving energy that heals us deeply at a conscious and subconscious level.
Reiki teaches us life lessons and shapes our energy, attitude, and point of view to create a more productive, healthy, holistic, and balanced personality.
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