Emotional healing with Reiki

According to Ayurveda indigestion is the mother of all diseases. Indigestion can be of two types, one is physical indigestion and another one is emotional indigestion.
Just as physical indigestion causes diseases emotional indigestion also causes diseases.
If there is a negative emotion of some kind for a long time then this can cause imbalances in your chakras and your body organs.
When we experience emotion such as anger, fear, hatred, etc certain biochemicals are released in the body. These biochemicals need to be neutralized by meditation or relaxation or therapy or Reiki.
If these biochemicals are not neutralized and we continue to experience fear, anger, hatred or any other negative emotion, then these biochemicals accumulate and cause ill function of our organs.
Over a long period of time this can cause imbalance in our blood sugar levels, blood pressure and many health problems.
These biochemicals can accumulate in certain parts of the body, certain tissues or organs and cause damage to certain systems of our body such as circulatory systems or digestive systems.
With Reiki and Meditation when we heal the emotions which are causing external disease, the problems we face disappear gradually. Many Reiki practitioners will testify to this.

Our body reflects the condition of our mind and emotions
Different parts of our body store different types of biochemicals and as a result of that produce different kinds of diseases.
Negative emotions such as anger, fear, sadness, anxiety, depression, pride, shame and envy cause some kind of stress and stress has very bad effects on the body.
A person who is habitually angry, recentfull, irritable, bitter or frustrated will over a period of time experience problems with the liver and the gallbladder. Such people experience dizziness, headache, irritability, red eyes, low energy, skin problems and blood pressure imbalances. Daily meditation and 7 chakar healing is a must for such people.

People who worry too much will not be able to sleep properly and it may cause insomnia. Worry and overthinking leads to anxiety. It impacts the performance of our large intestine, spleen, stomach and lungs. This can result in shortness of breath, tiredness, loss of appetite, poor digestion, muscle cramps, brain fog and sleeplessness. Reiki healing should be given to all affected organs along with the chakras that are near those organs
Fear and insecurity affects our Kidneys. It can lead to problems in urination, back pain, chronic fatigue, poor memory, hair loss and hearing problems. Reiki healing should be given to lower chakras or Reiki distance healing should be helpful in all such cases.

Grief, depression and sadness impacts the lungs and the large intestine and causes energy drain and difficult bowel movement. Grief must be resolved because if it is not resolved for a long time it can lead to depression. Reiki second degree techniques should be used for releasing grief. A past life regression session can also be very beneficial for such people.
Our body is the expression of our energy and our emotional state and as we make changes in that we start to experience a healthy body and mind.
Once we heal our inner world, our external world also changes.
Healing our emotions is a priority because it will create a major shift in our lives.
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