Diet for Reiki Practitioners

Our diet has a big roll in our health and how healthy we feel. During the Reiki Level One course I go deep on this topic. It is a part of the Right Living Practices that Sensei Mikao Usui has taught us.
Your diet has to be simple and should include lots of raw fruits and vegetables.
For Reiki practitioners there is no restriction on foods that we can eat but there are recommendations that you can follow that can help you grow spiritually.
These recommendations are not imposed upon you. You can choose to follow them as and when you feel comfortable.
It is not forced on you because anything which is forced does not last long. Anything change that comes from within will stay with you.
I have seen many Reiki practitioners somehow lose interest in eating non vegetarian food and automatically drop eating non veg on their own at some point of time. This doesn’t happen to everyone though.
I have any students who stopped smoking suddenly after learning Reiki. They are no longer attracted to smoking.
I also have Reiki students who occasionally eat non vegetarian food but there is no craving for non vegetarian food anymore. In fact they prefer vegetarian foods even when non veg is made at home.

More students are naturally attracted to simplar forms of foods, which can be easily digested and also gives a lot of energy to the body.
Any food that is not good for your body, your body will simply rejected it as you progress spiritually and as you become more conscious and aware.
Many Reiki practitioners have shared with me that they don’t feel comfortable after eating certain kinds of food including very spicy, oily and processed foods.
As you continue to practice Reiki your system becomes more purified and you are more comfortable eating Satvik foods. Satvik foods meas the food that is in the mode of goodness, such as fruits and vegetables.
In my own experience and even in the experiences of many of my students who have completed Reiki level 3, there is a lot of joy and happiness in eating simple foods. Even foods with very little or no spice feels so good. Many raw foods also are so tasty and juicy that they don’t need any spices or even chilli or salt to make food more tasty.

Eat light , Feel light
Even when they eat foods in their natural condition, without salt or pepper, you can feel that the food is so full of taste.
This is because with Reiki and meditation our senses become purified and they are able to be more sensitive to taste and they are very aware of how they feel in the stomach while they eating. They don’t over eat. They like to feel light and that’s why their food habits have completely changed.
This change is reflected in their health condition. They feel more healthy, vital or energised.
soul purification process from food
The purification that happens with the practice of Reiki reflects in everything a Reiki practitioner does.
Many of my students have replaced tea and coffee with green tea and green juices.
It is not that I have been asking them to do so. They are doing it on their own accord.
My students share all these things when they come to spiritual retreats with me. During our spiritual retreats we are get more time to spend with each other and discussing various things, including positive changes that have manifested in their life.
Diet for people who practise reiki
Many Reiki practitioners have reached higher levels of spiritual attainment. They experience that they get lot of energy not only food but also from the air and water.
Reiki is itself the unlimited energy of the Universe. When you do Reiki you get lot of energy and you feel that you don’t need to eat that much.
So many Reiki practitioners have found at the need to eat a lot of food is no longer there. You can be satisfied with little or no food also.
The importance of fasting in Reiki
Many of us do fasting on certain days of the week and the best part is that all this is done naturally without imposing anything on ourself. Out of our own free will we fast, we eat raw fruits and vegetables and we drink juices and thus we live a healthy life.
I like to do fasting at least once in a week. For me that day is Monday. I meditate and fast most of the time and it’s a beautiful experience. This fasting helps me cleanse my body. It also helps me to connect more deeply to the source of all existence and to Reiki.
If you remember the story of Reiki, then you know that Sensei Mikao Usui meditated and fasted for 21 days at the end of which he was enlighted. He then decided to spread the spiritual system of Reiki for the benefit of all.
The spiritual system of Reiki includes meditation, fasting, self healing, healing other people, living a healthy life, following the Reiki principles and having a good and healthy lifestyle.
As we progress on the spiritual path we realise that we need food for the body and meditation for the soul. We are sensitive to the kind of food the body needs and we give that food to the body so the body stays healthy.
Our main purpose of life is not food. Our main purpose is realising our to self and that happens through meditation and Reiki.