Chakra Meditation Workshop
What is the 7 chakra meditation workshop all about?
- In the 7 Chakra Meditation Workshop you will learn a powerful method to activate your chakras. When chakras are activated, blocks are removed and our kundalini energy can flow freely upwards, leading to Enlightenment likewise.
- The natural powers of the chakras become available to you uniquely.
- , making you super powerful. You will not only become invincible in dealing with the challenges of life but you will be able to achieve your dreams and goals much more easily and effortlessly.
- You will learn how to meditate and open your chakras step by step. You will get an in depth understanding of how chakra meditation works and how to activate your chakras through meditation in this online chakra meditation course indeed.
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Where Did The Idea Of Chakras Come From?
Where Did The Idea Of Chakras Come From?
- It came for the Rishis of the Vedas around 5000 years ago in ancient India. The ancient mystics of India have talked in great detail about the seven chakras.
Mooladhar, Swadhisthan & Manipur Chakra
Mooladhar, Swadhisthan & Manipur Chakra
- Mooladhar is the first chakra. It is also called root chakra. It is the sex centre or the centre for reproduction. This ensures that life on earth continues. For sex you need the other person. The union of male and female creates the future generation.
- Swadhistan is the second centre of energy. It is also called the sacral Chakra. The sex energy can be moved upward to this Chakra. When the energy moves up to the sacral Chakra you start to feel self sufficiency and contentment.
- Manipur is the third centre of energy. It is also called the solar plexus Chakra. It is a Centre for self image and ego. When energy reaches here you start to wonder who you are really.
Anhat, Visudhi, Agya & Sahastrar Chakra
Anhat, Visudhi, Agya & Sahastrar Chakra
- Anahat is the fourth centre of energy. It is also called the heart Chakra. This is a Centre for knowing others. The centre of sharing and loving others. Here you discover that you are love. When your energy reaches this chakra your spiritual journey becomes certain. Once this Chakra is activated it becomes possible to reach the seventh Chakra. It is guaranteed that you will reach the Crown Chakra. If you don’t reach this Chakra you can get a stray in the journey of self realisation. The heart Chakra is in the middle that is why love is such a balancing experience. Three centres above and 3 centres below and heart chakra in the middle.
- Vishuddhi is the fifth centre of energy. It is also called the throat Chakra. This is a centre of creativity and arts. Here people begin to express themselves in poetry, literature, dance and music.
- Agya chakra is the sixth centre of energy. It is also called the third eye chakra. You have two eyes to know the outside world. And the third eye is to know the inside world
- Sahastrar chakra is the seventh centre of energy. It is also called the Crown Chakra. When your energy reaches here you know the whole universe and you experience yourself as part of the universe. When you reach here, you realise God or the Infinite
Chakra Meditation and spiritual growth
Why is it important to activate all the 7 chakras?
Here is why... Before the fourth Chakra gets activated a person's spiritual journey may get started but they may not be able to complete it. The reality is that most people die even without activating the third Chakra. They may not even ask 'who am I?' in their entire lifetime!
What is the need of a spiritual master
In comparison, some people might activate higher chakras but they remain there for a long time before they meet a spiritual master. Without the guidance of a spiritual master you are clueless. A spiritual master is needed so that you don't settle somewhere on the journey. The spiritual Master helps to complete the journey and reach the seventh Chakra.
begin to understand the creator of the Universe
There are so many beautiful spots before your energy reaches the seventh chakra accordingly . And the master keeps on guiding you so that you don't get stuck at any level. The master wants you to know who you really are. The moment you know that a new door opens. You become aware of life, love, joy and happiness. The master helps you move to the fourth chakra. Unless you find the purest energy of love you will not be able to know the supreme splendor of existence. After you reach the fourth chakra you cannot go astray. Once you know the centre of existence, creativity arises on its own. The beauty of existence opens its doors for you. You start to know the creator of this universe.
Universal Consciousness, enlightenment, ultimate liberation and eternity.
Furthermore once you can feel the love for the entire existence, creativity starts to flow, just like a shadow. A man of creativity will not go on looking outside. Moreover, there is much beauty outside but as you grow on this path you realize that there is as much beauty inside as well. Just as there is an infinite sky outside, there is also infinite Sky inside. Undoubtedly, As a master leads you onwards in your spiritual journey and you reach the third eye chakra. Then you are able to see yourself. You become aware of the whole expansion of consciousness. You come very close to the temple of God. You are on the steps and you can see the door. You can't escape the temple and see what's there inside. There you find The Universal Consciousness, enlightenment, ultimate liberation and eternity.
Role of Spiritual Guru
In addition, Guru can make you move from one centre to the another in a systematic way and reach the final destination. Otherwise there is every possibility that you might go astray because there are many attractions on the way. The danger of wasting your entire life Even after reaching the fourth centre there are people who have spent their entire life at the fifth Chakra like singers, dancers and artists. Never moved to the third eye. Many mystics have reminded the third eye for many lifetimes. It is so fulfilling when you reach there that people sometimes think that they have arrived at the final destination which is the Sahastrar.
In conclusion, Somebody needs to tell you that there is something more ahead of you. In ignorance what you will do is unpredictable. Man needs someone who has known the path and knows the pitfalls and the beautiful spots where one can remain stuck and has the compassion to push you even against your will until you have reached the final stage of potentiality. Walk on this beautiful path for the next 21 days with Reiki Grand Master Sachin Bangera
![Upcoming Workshop of Chakra Mediation](
October Workshop Filled
Upcoming Workshop
Chakra Meditation Workshop details
Date : 3rd June to 23th June 2023
6th Nov to 26th Nov 2024
4th Dec to 24th Dec 2024
5th Feb to 25th Feb 2025
4th Mar to 24th Mar 2025
Time : 6:30 am to 7:30 am IST
Topics covered in Chakra Meditation Workshop:
Day 1
Understanding the chakras system chakra meditation explained in detail how to meditate on your chakras chakra meditation instructions chakra meditation exercises Chakra Meditation Practice
Day 2
Chakra Meditation Practice
Chakra Cleansing Methods
how chakra meditation works at a deeper level
Day 3
Chakra Meditation Practice Chakra Balancing Methods how to do chakra meditation with music chakra meditation affirmations
Day 4
Chakra Meditation Practice Chakra Activation Process how to practice chakra meditation the right way
Day 5
Chakra Meditation Practice In depth Understanding of Mooladhar chakra what does chakra meditation do to your mind and body chakra meditation experience sharing
Day 6
Chakra Meditation Practice In depth Understanding of Swadhisthan chakra How to do quick chakra meditation
Day 7
Chakra Meditation Practice In depth Understanding of Manipur chakra chakra meditation and reiki
Day 8
Chakra Meditation Practice In depth Understanding of Anahat chakra chakra unblocking meditation
Day 9
Chakra Meditation Practice In depth Understanding of Vishuddhi chakra chakra clearing meditation
Day 10
Chakra Meditation Practice In depth Understanding of Agya chakra chakra meditation to open third eye
Day 11
Chakra Meditation Practice In depth Understanding of Agya chakra chakra meditation to open third eye
Day 12
Chakra Meditation Practice chakra meditation for wealth Effortlessness in Meditation
Day 13
Understanding the chakras system chakra meditation explained in detail how to meditate on your chakras chakra meditation instructions chakra meditation exercises Chakra Meditation Practice
Day 14
Chakra Meditation Practice chakra meditation for sleep
Day 15
Chakra Meditation Practice
chakra meditation for anxiety
Day 16
Chakra Meditation Practice chakra meditation for weight loss chakra meditation with colours
Day 17
Chakra Meditation Practice chakra meditation for anger chakra meditation Kundalini Awakaning
Day 18
Chakra Meditation Practice chakra meditation with crystals Grounding Techniques
Day 19
Chakra Meditation Practice chakra meditation for healing
Day 20
Chakra Meditation Practice chakra meditation for wealth Question-Answer session
Day 21
Chakra Meditation Practice chakra meditation for wealth Question-Answer session
Know your course facilitator - Sachin Bangera
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Chakra Meditation FAQ
of Chakra Meditation Workshop
Sachin Prakash Chavan
This course helped me to make meditation a part of my life and move ahead on my spiritual journey. What I liked the most was the way Sachin sir was taking the session in a timely manner and handling participants queries upto satisfaction. Highly knowledgeable. It’s been an incredible journey the moment I started this course… It gave me a deep dive into spirituality. It’s helping me in changing myself as a person and in my spiritual journey. Daily practice of this meditation is not only keeping me more energised but also giving me an opportunity to help mankind and nature. The course helped me to keep my routine in shape. Getting up early in the morning at 6 am, practising meditation and boosting my energy to start my work. Again I do this meditation before going to sleep. Now it’s going very effortlessly. I recommend this course to each and everyone to bring positive changes in life.
After starting Reiki class and reaching up to the third level of Reiki I immediately joined this course and it has changed me a lot. Once while doing chakra meditation immediately a fragrance came from somewhere in early morning. It was a beautiful experience. Entire course was pretty good. It was the end of old routine life and beginning of new life with gratitude and philanthropy. I recommended it to my jijaji and he had also attended it.
Hemant Wankhade
Mangesh Kamble
What attracted me to this course was 21 days of dedicated meditation. I enjoyed the spiritual experience during the meditation and it's effect over your day. Chakra meditation has helped me activate my chakras. This has surely changed my daily routine, getting up early and no tiredness at all.
I have become calmer with this meditation. There were many new learnings and I got clarity of thoughts. I have continued waking up early to meditate even after completing this 21 days course.
Balmukund Singh