5 tips for Reiki Practitioners
Today I would like to give 5 tips for Reiki Practitioners that will help you in daily life and also in dealing with clients and whoever else you meet during the day.
tip #1. Thoughts become things so be alert
For Reiki practitioners it is very important to be aware of our, thoughts, goals and desires. This is because when we are doing Reiki our thought manifestations are very fast. When we desire something our energy flows in the direction and then we think about those things. When we keep thinking about it, we take action in the direction. And our thoughts then start to appear in our conversations with other people. If our desires and thoughts are positive it creates positive result. If our desires or thoughts are negative, it creates for negative actions, conversations and results.
So you have to very aware of what you are thinking and feeling. You need to be a witness to your desires, wants and goals and make sure you really want them because with the power of Reiki you will.
tip #2 . Cancel negativity before it manifests.
Is there is any thought or if you happen to speak or think negative thought or if we have been speaking something negative then it is important that you at least mentally state ‘recall and cancel’ so that that does not become a reality. When you do this the energy that has gone into the universe turns back and does not manifest in reality.
You have to be very conscious of your thoughts and cancel out negative thoughts so that you experience things which are positive in nature for you and for others.
Are you continue to do Reiki and as your manifestation power keeps on increasing and when you are thinking only positive you will create a very positive life.
tip #3. Be very conscious when you are talking to other people.
There are many people who want sympathy from you.
It is not necessary that you sympathize with them.
As a Reiki healer you can give Reiki to them with love and compassion. You don’t have to agree with them or disagree with them. Just listen to them.
There are many people who want sympathy from you.
It is not necessary that you sympathize with them.
As a Reiki healer you can give Reiki to them with love and compassion. You don’t have to agree with them or disagree with them. Just listen to them. You also don’t have to feel their pain. Most people dramatize things in their life and tell a story of their own creation to themselves and others.
There is also no need to be empathetic beyond a certain point. It is natural to feel a little bit of empathy. When you feel empathetic you will be able to feel their pain. This is how things work even if you are not a Reiki practitioner. But you have to be detached and send Reiki energy to them.
Many Reiki healers can feel the pain of others. This is caused by empathy and sympathy. Both these emotions come from attachment. We have to give Reiki to others while being detached.
Sometimes new Reiki practitioners get worried when the can feel other peoples pain and they don’t know how to deal with the newely developed ability to geuess what problem others have in their body. This happens to all healers and therapists when they connect to someone and start having empathy and sympathy for them.
tip #4. Practice detached compassion
t’s not necessary to have empathy and sympathy but it’s important to heal people with a detached attitude. It’s also important to remind people that they also have the ability to heal themselves and encourage them to learn Reiki and take charge of their lives.
You must listen to your clients and people you are healing but need not agree or accept their stories as true. Know that it is just their point of view at best in most cases.
Just like a doctor listens to the patient and gives them the medicine. You can listen to the person being healed and give them Reiki healing. Have compassion instead of empathy and sympathy. Also remember that Reiki does the healing, not you. You are just a channel. Healing physical pain with Reiki without being attached or empathetic or sympathetic is easier that healing mental and emotional pain. So you have to be extra careful with dealing with such people.
tip #5. Dont feel the pain, heal the pain
People often call me for Reiki healing for relationship issues. They are very emotional about it. They have their version of the story and they think their point of view is the truth. But Truth is much bigger than any individual persons knowledge.
We have to recognise that and do healing for the outcomes they want, for the good of all concerned. I have been blessed by Reiki and have been able to help people who have gone through difficult times in their relationships. I care for people and I want to treat them and heal them but not out of sympathy but out of compassion and love.
When you meet someone who is emotionally disturbed you can give a gentle pat on the back, near the heart chakra and they will surely feel better instantly. If you can hug them, go ahead and do that with compassion and Reiki. They will come out of it quickly. This is unconditional love in action. So to summarize, the key is to think positive, talk positive and be aware of how you feel while talking to others. And to practice detached compassion and heal their issues with Reiki.
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